This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Johnson & Ms. Jenay for his positivity, being open to new learning & experiences, managing his impulses, asking questions, and persisting when things are difficult. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
good news
his young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Christiansen for her kindness and helpfulness toward others. She was able to help other learners in Music with their iPads. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Stroschein for his leadership in the classroom by setting an example for listening to directions and following expectations for his fellow classmates. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
In observance of Labor Day, there will be no school on Monday, September 4th. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Enjoy the long weekend with your families, Tigers! ๐Ÿพ Get the full calendar here:
over 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
no school
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Boyer for leadership & modeling of the Habits of the Mind. She takes responsibility for her learning by listening, following expectations, and participating in the classroom. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Schoenefeld and Mrs. Wagers for his leadership and support of other learners in his CoHort. He is a role model of hard work and kindness. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Feeldy for his kindness, friendliness, and inclusion. When he saw a learner on the playground with no one to play with, he ran over and made sure they had a friend! #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Honner for her leadership, kindness, and patience with the younger learners in her CoHort. She is a role model in her classroom and CoHort. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Ms Ball for taking responsibility for himself by making good choices for his learning and managing his impulses in the classroom as we learn about the Habits of the Mind. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
Picture Day is Monday! Learners will have their picture taken first thing in the morning. You will need to order online BEFORE Picture Day or send the envelope with your learner on Picture Day, August 28. ------------------ Go to Click on โ€œOrder Hereโ€ Enter โ€œ HASD โ€for the event name, click โ€œsearchโ€ Click on your school district Click on your studentโ€™s school Enter your email address and click โ€œloginโ€. All orders are tracked with the email address you enter. All orders placed through Picture Day will be processed and delivered to the studentโ€™s school 2-3 weeks following Picture Day. If you are ordering for multiple students, you will need to complete an order for each student you are ordering photos of. All portrait orders will be delivered to your studentโ€™s school. If you have ANY questions about school pictures or anything else , please contact School Photography by Mark directly 605-362-9221. For more information, please visit our website
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Picture Day
These young ladies were nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Botsford & Ms. Pardee for their kindness and inclusion to a new learner in their classroom. They embody the vision of what kind and compassionate learners are. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
Good News
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Honner for his kindness, helpfulness, and inclusion to a new learner in his classroom. He took initiative to form a friendship with this new learner to make them feel welcome. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
Mr. Sylliaasen challenged the Kindergarteners at Kindergarten Assessment to bring back the special pencil they received - and these learners took it to heart! They received a special certificate, sticker and a photo with Mr. S! We are off to a great start for 23-24! #OurLearners
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mr. Sylliaasen for her kindness and inclusion to a new learner in her classroom. She looks for ways to show kindness and is an example of friendship in her CoHort. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
Welcome back Journey Learners! We are thrilled to see all your smiling faces today on the first day of school and looking forward to a great year together! Thank you to the Journey PTO for a great welcoming display this morning! #BackToSchoolAtJourney #OurLearners #TeamJourney
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
front of school
Thrilled to welcome back 900 staff members at Harrisburg School District's Fall In-service! Let's embrace our "be the change" theme as we grow together in the upcoming school year. Unity makes us stronger! #BetterTogether
over 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
better together
Please fill out the Learner Dismissal Form for every learner. It is imperative we know where to send your child after school, especially for the first days of school and inclement weather days. There will be a Bus Sign Up at Orientation to receive your Bus Stop and time.
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
QR Code
Welcome to #TeamJourney Ms. DeWitte!
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Ms. DeWitte
Ms. DeWitte
Welcome to #TeamJourney Mrs. Boyer!
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Mrs. Boyer
Mrs. Boyer
Please welcome to #TeamJourney Mr. Meyer!
over 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Mr. Meyer
Mr. Meyer