Good Morning Harrisburg Parents, Students and Staff. Due to the current road conditions, there will be NO SCHOOL today, Tuesday, January 9th. There will be no before or after school childcare. No breakfast will be served.
about 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
There will be a two-hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday, January 9th. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before school childcare.
about 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
late start
Due to the predicted winter storm, there will be no school tomorrow, Monday, January 8th. All activities are canceled. There will be no before or after school childcare. No breakfast will be served.
about 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
no school
In our latest episode of the Harrisburg 41-2 Podcast, we discuss our HSD Education Foundation and how it's making a difference in our community. The Foundation promotes excellence in education by forging connections between our school district, alumni, growing Harrisburg and Southern Sioux Falls community, and local businesses. Tune in as we explore the impact of our Foundation's work and how it's shaping the future of education in our community. ๐Ÿพ
about 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Bauer for working hard and striving for accuracy in assignments. He shows ability to learn and apply new concepts, demonstrating a strong foundation in his learning. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Fischer for following his expectations, advocating for himself, and listening and following directions. He is friendly and his smile brightens the halls of Journey! #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
Will your child be five on or before September 1, 2024? If so, it's almost time to register for Kindergarten! Registration in the Harrisburg School District will be open from January 10th to January 21st. Start your Tiger off on the right foot this upcoming school year and get them registered next week! ๐Ÿพ
about 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by several learners for showing kindness and true friendship to a new learner in his class at Journey. Its is truly special to be nominated by peers. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney #ProudPrincipal
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
Happy New Year! ๐ŸŽ‰ Register today for this Saturday, January 6th's Diets 101 Class! The price is right at just $5. The good, the bad and the ugly of four of the top diets out there today will be discussed, helping to clarify and choose the right path for you. ส€แด‡ษขษช๊œฑแด›ส€แด€แด›ษชแดษด แด„สŸแด๊œฑแด‡๊œฑ ๊œฐส€ษชแด…แด€ส. #NeverStopLearning #HSDCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
Diets 101
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Ms. Juergens for his outstanding character. He treats others with kindness and respect. He consistently follows expectations and is respectful to staff. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Bauer for consistently demonstrating listening skills and actively participating in classroom discussions. She shows genuine curiosity and eagerness to learn! #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Boyer for being a consistently kind, helpful, and positive friend and learner. She is always ready to lend a hand to both classmates and teachers. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
Interested in theatre? Sign up for HHS Drama's Kids Camp and spend an entire day participating in fun theatre activities! Use the QR code to register today #HHSDrama ๐ŸŽญ
about 1 year ago, HSD - Fine Arts
Kids Camp
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mr. Sylliaasen for his friendliness and inclusion of a new student. He moved from his seat at lunch to sit by the new student so they would not be alone. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney #TeamKindness
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Juergens for his growth as a learner. He exceeds expectations, is kind and respectful in demeanor and words, and encourages others to treat everyone with kindness. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
good news
A reminder there will be a 2-hour Early Release on Friday, December 22nd, and No School from Monday, December 25th through Tuesday, January 2nd (In-Service). Classes resume on Wednesday, January 3rd. ๐Ÿพ
about 1 year ago, Harrisburg School District
no school
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Ugland for setting an example of working hard and persisting in Math. He is helpful to other learners and utilizes his Habits of Mind. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mr. Nour for her neverending kindness for others. She consistently gives her free time for others without hesitation or expectation of something in return. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney #TeamKindness
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
Good News
Good News
Good News
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Stroschein for looking for ways to help others, and continuously demonstrates patience and empathy toward others. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney #TeamKindness
about 1 year ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
Spend the day at the HHS PAC for Kids Camp! Sign up today by using the QR code ๐Ÿ•๏ธ๐ŸŽญ
about 1 year ago, HSD - Fine Arts
Kids Camp