These young ladies were nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Ms. Ball for their kindness, inclusion, and welcoming spirit to a new younger learner at Journey. They exemplified the spirit of teamwork at Journey! #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney #ProudPrincipal
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
good news
good news
good news
good news
Parents and guardians of students currently enrolled in the Harrisburg School District MUST register their children each year for the upcoming school year and review their contact information for accuracy. Reviewing your contact information and registering for next year is an easy process that takes just a few minutes to complete! Your submission allows us to begin creating accurate class rosters and student schedules.
11 months ago, Harrisburg School District
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Ms. Juergens for her kindness, understanding, and leadership toward younger learners. She is helpful, supportive, and fills a need when she sees it! #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Ms. Hertz for his positive attitude and strong passion for learning. He sets an example for younger learners by participating in discussions, working hard, and is open to continuous learning. #OurLearners #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
good news
It's the end of the third quarter! We're proud of all the hard work our students and staff have put in so far this year. Let's finish strong! #GoTigers ๐Ÿพ
11 months ago, Harrisburg School District
3rd quarter
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Ugland for her positive attitude, persevering when tasks become difficult, and striving for accuracy in her work. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Ugland and Mrs. Honner for using his time wisely, working hard to complete his work, and participating in classroom discussions during his reading time. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
A reminder there will be NO SCHOOL March 14-15. ๐Ÿพ
11 months ago, Harrisburg School District
no school
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mr. Sylliaasen for her patience, kindness and willingness to help with younger learners. She works hard and strives for accuracy in her work. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
good news
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Boyer for her kindness, willingness to help others, and being ready to learn. She is an example for others and puts forth her best effort in all she does. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Ugland for working hard, remaining on-task, and striving for accuracy in all his work. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
Summer Performing Arts registration is now open! Scan the QR code today for more information on workshops and camps offered for K-12 students. #SPA2024
11 months ago, HSD - Fine Arts
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Ms. Ball for working hard and persisting toward her goals. She is friendly and kind, and a bright light in the halls of Journey. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by M. Juergens for being an exceptional role model. He consistently follows expectations, remains open to continuous learning, and strives for accuracy in all things. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by the kitchen staff for his unwavering kindness to students and staff. He has a positive attitude, is polite, and has a smile that lights up the halls of Journey. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Ugland for setting an example for those around him by working hard, helping others, and demonstrating kindness to those around him. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
Looking for a fun and interactive summer experience for children!? Register for SPA today! Scan the QR Code for additional information and registration. #SPA2024
11 months ago, HSD - Fine Arts
This young lady was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Johnson for working hard to complete work, participating in classroom discussions, and working toward her goals. She is kind and an encouragement to staff! #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news
Congrats to the winners of the Journey Speed Stacking Competition! There were two categories, 3-3-3 and 3-6-3 and these learners had the fastest times in their grade levels. Great job everyone! #SpeedStacking #OurLearners
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
cup stacking winner
This young man was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. Stroschein for working hard, putting forth his best effort and persisting when tasks get difficult. #OurLearners #EducationIsParadise #TeamJourney
11 months ago, Journey Elementary
good news
good news
good news